Sunday 25 December 2011

Who Runs Russia? Organised crime has long been big business in Russia. But do powerful Mafiosi now enjoy the states protection?

Who runs Russia? Organised crime has long been big business in Russia. But do powerful Mafiosi now enjoy the states protection?
Russians have a strange attitude about their gangsters. What I mean is that in Russia, for a small amount of money, tour guides will actually guide you through Moscow’s Vagankovskoye cemetery, where several Mafiosi are buried. At the cemetery most Mafiosi are buried under life-sized statues or headstones. There is a radio station devoted to folk music that plays about prison life of the gangsters. But nothing demonstrates the veneration of all things gangster more than the untimely demise of a vor v zakone or Russian Mafia boss. It has almost become a ritual when a high level razborka, or execution, leads to the evening news, announcer dwelling lovingly on the details of the murder weapon, the getaway route, the model of Mercedes or the Maybach that the victim was driving. Then comes the grainy CCTV footage or mobile phone photos of the deceased slumped over his steering wheel or prone outside the entrance of a nightclub.
Within 24 hours the television stations have produced computer simulations of the attack and have made CGI style graphics of the attack. The properties of the weapons will be discussed by ballistic experts and they will also be looking into any cool gadgets involved in the operation. Top ranking “thieves in law” now own legitimate thriving businesses in Russia and they have armoured Maybachs to match. They also hang out with lawyers, judges, politicians and they have policemen on their payroll for their protection.
In a Wikileaks cable, a Spanish judge –an expert in Russian Mafia, who has studied the mob for 11 years – told US diplomats that he considers Russia a “mafia state”, where “one cannot differentiate between the activities of the government and the OC (organized crime) groups. For example, take the assassination of opposition journalist Anna Politkovskaya in 2006, those arrested included a professional mafia hitman, an active duty FSB colonel and members of a police special surveillance unit, who are all currently awaiting a second trial. Another high profile crime was the death of lawyer Sergei Magnitsky in prison in 2009. His fate was seal when he accused the police of tax fraud amounting to $230 million. However, all those involved are still free. Mafia killings of today are fewer in number compare to the early 1990s, but the quality of the killings and the method of the killings has changed. Twenty years ago, killings where carried out using knives because firearms where prohibited in the USSR. However, things changed and the mafia got round to using guns but there was a lot of collateral damage as the use of the fire arms was largely unskilled and the strategies used to carry out the hit was mainly flawed. These days, however, the level of professionalism is unbelievable and chilling. Snipers can make headshots at hundreds of metres or even escape 10 or more security cameras after a hit has been made. This simply means that new people have arrived on the scene and the old mafia groups are gone.

Thursday 22 December 2011

The New Egypt: Transition towards a difficult new dawn

At the recent Egyptian elections, the lines of voters waiting to vote stretched for hundreds of metres, but this didn’t deter the Egyptians who had come from their different homes to vote from voting at the polls. Many of them were casting their votes for the very first time. The elderly among the voters came with chairs and most who didn’t come with chairs were given or offered chairs to sit on while they waited. The general mood and atmosphere was one of excitement as many people turned out to vote in what would be a historic election, the first parliamentary poll since the revolt that toppled the regime of Hosni Mubarak in February of 2011. Elderly people who had turned out to vote believed that this was an important period for their country and for the people of Egypt. Many didn’t care who was elected, Islamists or others, it didn’t matter to them, all that mattered was that they did their part in the elections. It was clear that after several years of dictatorship and military regimes and countless rigged elections, the people where very enthusiastic as they went to the polls in the hope that they could bring to an end the chaos of the past year and the rule of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF)
 The multi-stage election in Egypt began on November 28, by which time it was evident that the Egyptians hard won confidence in how much they could influence change in their own government had all but evaporated. It had given way to frustration because over the past year the country has been torn by one crisis after the other. Political drift, demonstrations, labour strikes and frequent eruptions of sectarian violence between muslims and Christians have driven away investors and tourists, causing the economy to grind to a halt and as a result, life has increasing become hard for millions of poor people. The most disturbing part of the story in recent days has been the fracturing of the unity of purpose that prevailed during the protests. Basically, the people of Egypt seem to have become divided politically. There is a widening gap between the younger generation of people who started the revolt earlier in the year and the army generals who assisted to oust Mr Mubarak. This widening gap has also added to the tensions in the political scene. The military has accused activist and critics of working for foreign powers. There is a lack of trust between the activists and the military because the military has intimidated the people.
 The manner in which the military has handled the transition of power, has been at best, erratic. In the beginning, the military favored the muslim brotherhood because it was the biggest and the most organized political force. However, over the summer period, the generals have realized that islamists would dominate both the assembly and the drafting process and as a result, the military will have little control over the way the country was shaped. Having considered this, the military changed tactics and tried without success to get political forces to agree in advance to certain constitutional principles that shield the military from civilian scrutiny. Many Egyptians feel that the military are part of the old structure and have been fighting to preserve their status under the new structure. The Muslim brotherhood is proceeding cautiously in attempts to minimize confrontations with the military and also maintain a stable relationship with its key foreign partners like the United States. Despite leading in the elections, the Muslim brotherhood insists that it wants to share power with other political forces and it doesn’t plan to monopolize the drafting process. However, many businessmen and Egyptians believe that the problems facing Egypt are just too many and that any government formed is bound to fall short in the short term.

Sunday 18 December 2011

Mergers and Acquisitions between Gulf Banks: Any Hope?

Mergers and Acquisition between the Gulf Banks: Any Hope?
There has been little mergers and acquisition deals between the Gulf banks in recent years and there are several reasons for this. The size of banks within the Gulf region has remained small and unfortunately they have been unable to compete on the same level as more international banks around the world. There have been calls to create a global player within the region, however, this has been hindered by the fact that banks in the region are faced with hurdles of legislative requirements for any merger to take place with another bank. There are usually differences between shareholder and board of director’s interests over the issue of merging and acquiring another bank and this has led to limitations in corporate activities.
Acquisition and mergers between banks in the GCC region is estimated to be around $15 billion, which really is a small amount. However, much of this estimate has come from the merger between the National bank of Dubai and Emirates bank international in 2007. Since then, no other bank in the region has bought a competitor or merged with another.
The Bahrain Islamic Bank and its smaller rival, the AL Salam Bank has proposed to merge to create a $4.5 billion bank. If the merger goes ahead, it will become the largest Islamic lender in the Gulf Arab Kingdom and could pave the way for more consolidation, mergers and acquisitions within the region. The two Bahraini lenders have stated that they received approval from the central bank for their planned merger. If successful, the merger will be the first for the GCC based Islamic institutions. Many challenges remain however not least bank valuation, board and senior management appointments, and strategic direction.
When taking an overview of the banking markets in the region, including the larger systems found in the UAE, it is easy to see that there are many financial institutions chasing too few customers with in the region. This can especially be seen the Qatar markets, where many institutions are really chasing and search for new customers. In the UAE there are over 50 banks including both local banks and foreign banks. This together with the current banking conditions and the weak asset growth, suggests that the market is ripe for a corporate activity.
Emirates NBD took over the troubled Dubai Bank in October 2011. It was a take over that was initiated by the authorities and doesn’t signal any change in the attitude towards mergers or take overs. The Dubai Bank suffered tremendously from the local financial downturn and it recorded a loss in 2009. After this, it was taken over by the Dubai Government before being transferred to Emirates NBD
Foreign ownership rules have made it difficult for foreign banks to acquire banks in the region. In fact, a number of foreign banks are beginning to scale back their operations within the region. This can be attributed to several reasons. The first of which is the fact that global crisis has had a knock on effect on the banks and secondly there has been a significant fall in the volume of financial activity in the region. The pace of IPOs in the GCC region has halved to $400 million this year from $800 million in the same period in 2010 and $10 billion in 2008. The volume of deals in the Gulf state has also fallen 60 percent to $25 billion this year from $40 billion in the year earlier period.

GCC Retail Banking Expands

The retail and the SME sectors in the Gulf Banking sectors are  in slightly better shape that the corporate and commercial sectors. The reason for this is that the commercial sector has been hit hard by the regional and global downturn. This is due to the correction in the real estate sector and the investment sectors respectively. Having said this, there are still significant challenges facing the retail sectors in the GCC regions.
The retail banking sector in the Gulf is still developing despite the advanced level of sophistication at many banks.  The retail banking sector has be affected by regulatory frameworks and new guidelines which has led to the development within the sector. It is expected that the retail banking services by the Gulf banks will become more innovative as the regulatory framework for retail banking in the region is expanded or broadened.
Banks in all gulf banking markets will readily comment that one of the main stumbling blocks for the true development of retail banking in the Gulf is the problematic bankruptcy laws. Banks are positive that changes in the laws by the government will spur growth in the sector with banks given more confidence in financing retail and SME clients.
The current Euro debt crisis and the downturn in the global economy has had a negative knock on effect on the UAE banking sector. Investor confidence and sentiment has weakened due to the problems facing the world economy. As a result of this, the retail asset growth has been weaker than expected.
Given these conditions, the GCC banks have become more circumspect in retail banking loans. They are unwilling to lend more and have put in place more stringent rules and guidelines. Competition for customers is tough among the banks and most banks have put in place strategies that will distinguish them from the rest of the pack. High competition for customers has led to banks becoming more customer- oriented. Mashreq Bank, for example, is following a more integrated approach and providing end to end service  and so are most of the regions other banks.
How about Asset quality with in the retail banking sector? Well the fact is that asset quality within the retail banking sector has become more stabilized over the past year. This is the result of more a more conservative path taken by the banks. Banks within the region have put in place more conservative policies to watch over customer borrowing and loans. During the boom periods of the GCC economies, the banks were not watchful or vigilant about the number of credit cards and personal loans that each customer took out. This made it easy for customers to get loans and credit cards at the time. However, the rules have changed and the risk appetite has fallen and banks and regulators have introduced far more stringent lending criteria and monitoring processes. But having said that, the banks have remained in a very vulnerable position because there is a lack of credit bureau to aggregate risk information and exposures. Basically, there is a lack of proper risk assessment for each customer, which has led the banks into a more risk exposed position.
So what are the predictions for the UAE retail banking sector? Retail revenue for the UAE banks is expected to be weaker for 2011 and this is because of the personal loans limits that were introduced by the central bank at the start of 2011. Stricter lending policies by the bank and personal loan limits have led to subdued loan asset growth. The UAE retail banking revenues are expected to be lower by between 15-20 percent in 2011.
In contrast, the Saudi retail loans are expected to remain strong on positive demographics. The Saudi retail sector is favored by good liquidity and asset quality which are both factors that are expected to keep the countries retail loan growth healthy in 2012. According to SAMA data, retail lending is currently increasing by around 11 percent year on year, social welfare spending by the government along with bonus salaries will keep demand retail loans high.
The Gulf region has a low interest rate environment and the result of this is that banks has been compressed at the margins. However, in the growing retail sectors- where margins are much higher, banks have been supported with significant retail loan books on the balance sheet.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

The Risk that Arab Spring Countries must Manage

Expectations of more jobs and growing prosperity need to be handled with care, says Henry Azzam
When young Arabs took to the streets of Cairo, Tunis, Damascus, Tripoli and Sana this year they hoped that bringing down autocratic regimes would not only end corruption and restore dignity but also generate employment and pave the way for a more prosperous future. Their expectations have not been met. On the contrary, conditions have worsened as businesses have retrenched and labour intensive sectors such as tourism, services and transport have been harmed by civil strife. Uncertainty and instability are to be expected during transition periods. Economic conditions in countries experiencing revolts are likely to worsen before they improve. During these transitions there are several risk elements that need to be managed:
• Peoples Expectations: Transition governments should send a clear message that reforms will be implemented and measures introduced to create jobs. However, such steps will be effective over a longer period rather than immediately. Managing peoples expectations requires presenting a clear road map of reforms and a specific time frame as to when their results will become visible.
• Credibility of Private Sectors: Private sector businesses have lost credibility in countries that have seen uprisings. Corruption and Nepotism are the results of cozy relationships between previous regimes and businessmen. Governments should resist the urge to treat all businesses that dealt with past regimes as necessarily corrupt. On the other hand, the private sector businesses have a role to play in convincing young people that they are willing and able to provide the finances and the support that they need to break the cycles of poverty and unemployment.
• The Rise of Political Islam: It is easy to say that the more organized Islamic parties will gain ground in the first round of elections, as we have seen in Tunisia. The Nahda party won the largest block in recent poll. In countries such as Turkey, Indonesia and Malaysia, political Islam and democracy have been cohabiting fairly comfortably. There is no reason why the Arab world cannot emulate the Turkish model of governance.
• Macroeconomic Stability: With the first sign of a revolt and discontent, several governments laid out generous packages including more jobs and pay in the public sector, and increased subsidies. The Measures announced amounted to 5 percent of GDP in Jordan, 10 percent in Egypt and 25 percent in Saudi Arabia and Algeria. Such fiscal policy is needed to maintain social cohesion and mitigate the impact of the downturn, however, these policies are known for their high level of instability and are known to fuel inflationary pressures and add to budgetary deficits and lead to higher government debt in oil exporting countries.
• Dependence on Foreign borrowing: The global economy is headed into a period of weaker growth.  The US, Europe and the emerging countries all plan to cut budgets in the next year. This is more likely to affect the oil prices negatively. It will also affect tourism, trade and foreign direct investment negatively. Large European banks are under pressure to improve their capital adequacy ratios, forcing them to deleverage. This will make it more challenging for highly indebted companies and countries to refinance maturing debt

Technocrats Take Over Italy Helm

Italy has a caretaker government of technocrats led by Mario Monti, a 68 year economics professor. The caretaker government took charge of the Eurozones third largest economy on Wednesday, the 16 th of November. The 68 year old, economics professor, Mario Monti, took on the additional role of running the finance ministry.  Mario Monti also appointed Corrado Passera, head of intesa San Paolo, Italy’s largest retail bank, as head of a “superministry”. “All this will, I trust, translate into a calming of that part of the market difficulty which concerns our country”, said Mr. Monti. Angela Merkel, the German chancellor had a difficult time dealing with Silvio Berlusconi, the departing Italian minister, said she valued Mr Monti highly. Yields on Italy’s 10 year bonds remained above the 7 percent level, despite the fact that the ECB, European Central Bank has been buying the bonds heavily. The premium Rome pays over Berlin to borrow was 528 basis points. However, all other Eurozone bonds saw a sell off. The 17 unelected technocrats of Italy’s new administration are riding a wave of popular support in Italy, while they also carry the hopes of panicking investors and foreign capitals. Technocrat governments are not new in Italy. The last technocrat government was led by Lamberto Dini, who was ushered in from the Bank of Italy after the collapse of Silvio Berlusconi’s first government in 1994. The new cabinet has a lot of experience especially in Academia and the civil service. The youngest in the cabinet is 56 and the oldest is 75. Piero Giarda, professor of economics and former finance ministry undersecretary will play a key role as minister for relations with parliament. Mr. Antonio Catricala, who as cabinet undersecretary will deal with the daily nuts and bolts of running a government, he could act as a bridge to the past because he was particularly close to the former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. An alliance of business groups that includes the influential Confindustria lobby praised the ministers as competent professionals demonstrating the spirit of service. “We launch an appeal to all political forces. It is absolutely essential that, starting from today, markets perceive that the government has a wide, strong and convinced support in parliament,” the alliance said.
The central bank fears weakening incentives for government to implement reforms. Financial crisis are times when the central banks can at least show their fire power. So the question being asked is why the European central bank has remained quiet and modest even in the face of escalating Eurozone financial crisis? This month saw a significant intervention from the ECB in government bond markets which helped to curb the rises in the Italian debt yields. The European Central Bank hasn’t indicated that government bonds purchases could be stepped up. Instead, Mario Draghi, the new ECB president has indicated that the banks actions would be limited and focused on ensuring that interest rate decisions where transmitted via financial markets to the real economy. An alternative would be for the ECB to set limits on the spread between interest rates on German bonds and other government bonds. Doing this would match its objective of ensuring the effective “transmission” of its interest rate decisions. The Eurozones six Triple A rated countries should have greater say in the economic affairs within the single currency and act as its inner core. Alex Stubb said in an interview he did not believe new institutions should be created to give the triple A countries more power. But he said that the European Union rules that allowed “enhanced cooperation” between member states might be needed so they could coordinate economic policies. A country that isn’t triple A rated isn’t going to be the best one to give you advice on your public finances. Mr Sarkozy, the French president, has been the strongest advocate of closer integration among a euro subset, arguing France and Germany should act on their own to set the standard.

Saturday 19 November 2011

Eurozone bonds hit by massive sell offs and the Eurozone Turmoil

Eurozone bonds hit by mass sell-off and the Eurozone turmoil
The Eurozone bond market was hit by a massive sell of this month because of investor fears. Investor fears spread beyond Spain and Italy to other triple A rated countries such as France, Austria, Finland and the Netherlands. The premium that France pays over Germany rose to a Euro era record of 192 basis points and the premium that Austria pays over Germany rose to a Euro era record of 184 basis points. Markets are losing patience so they are going for the jugular, which are the core countries not the periphery. There is convergence but it is convergence on the weakest. All main Eurozone countries were affected by the rise in bond yields. The only country that wasn’t affected was Germany, and this suggests that the sovereign debt problems are entering a new phase. Italian bond yields moved above 7 percent, a position that is viewed as unsustainable. Spanish premium to Germany hit 482 bp. Traders said there were few buyers in many bond markets, with only the European Central Bank active in Italy and Spain.
German frustrations over Britain’s approach to the Eurozone crisis erupted when a close ally of Angela Merkel accused the UK of selfishness. Volker Kauder criticised Britain for opposing a European tax of financial transactions. He said that the UK was only defending its own interests and not that of the EU. Ms Merkel has urged the Eurozone to move ahead with the Tobin Tax if Britain continued to block the measure. The Eurozone should raise funds from the financial sector to help cash strapped governments. Mr Kauder told the CDU that annual conference that “The British are not members of the currency union but they are members of Europe and they have a responsibility for the success of Europe”. George Osborne, Britain’s Chancellor of the Exchequer, has called the Tobin tax plan a bullet aim at the heart of London.
President Nicolas Sarkozy announced a review of the funding of Frances social welfare system on Tuesday, the 15 th of November. In his review, he stated that the heavy labour costs it imposed hurt the economy and the country’s ability to compete internationally. The French employees appealed to the country’s politicians for structural reforms to cut labour costs, regenerate growth and overturn a big gap in economic performance between France and Germany that has damaged France ability to withstand the pressures of the Eurozone crisis. Mr Sarkozy intends to appoint an advisory council at the end of the year that will be responsible for proposing ways to reduce the weight of taxation on work. “We must rethink the system of financing our social system”, Mr. Sarkozy said. “The very high cost of labour in our country penalizes our economy and penalizes France in international competition”. Medef, the French business confederation, and Afep, the association of private enterprise, complained that France had lost ground to neighboring country, Germany in terms of export market share, balance of payments, fiscal strength and cost of labour and production.
Negotiators for Greek debt holders have offered to swap their bonds for new ones worth half their face value, but only if the new bonds contain high interest rates and have extra incentives, including annual payments if the Greek economy recovers. The confidential offer was proposed to the Greek authorities and it also insisted that the new bonds be issued under British rather than Greek law. Greek officials are expected to present their own counter proposal when talks begins over the bonds. The negotiations are intended to finalise details of the highly –touted deal struck on October 27 in which the Institute of International Finance agreed to take a 50 percent  haircut in the face value of their bonds. The deal left open questions on how the 50% hair cut would be achieved. Tweaks in interest rates and maturities for bonds used in swaps for the haircut can have a critical effect on how much bond holders are able to recoup, enabling them to achieve less of a hit on the net present value of their holdings than the headline number announced by the European leaders.

Sunday 13 November 2011

After the Property Crash - The Dubai Property Market

The real estate market in Dubai is showing signs of recovery after a 3 year slump. The real estate market in Dubai was worth around $31 billion at its peak in 2008. However, the mood today is one of cautious optimism as the market is now showing signs of recovery from the recession’s period. At this year’s Cityscape Global event in Dubai, investors had a more business to business atmosphere than in previous years. According to Jones Land LaSalle rental prices in the office and residential sectors are bottoming out and the retail and hotel sectors are already showing a growth buoyed by tourism. This follows a dip of around 18.6 percent in the real estate sector in 2009 and a recovery by around 2.5 percent in real terms in 2010 according to the National Bureau of Statistics. The real estate’s sectors contribution to the real GDP grew exponentially from Dhs 95.6 billion in 2006 to Dhs 111.1 billion in 2007 and to  Dhs 114 billion in 2008 before slumping to Dhs 92.7 billion in 2009. As a result of the real estate crash, the prices of property in Dubai plummeted 60 percent in Dubai. The result of this was that many projects and unplanned constructions where put on hold or even shelved. However, there were other factors at play. For example, the continued government spending on infrastructure, including the Dubai Metro and new roads, and visitor numbers increasing, the real estate sector rebounded to Dhs 95.1 billion in 2010.
One of the hardest hit developers during the real estate crash was Nakheel, which is currently undergoing a Dhs 16 billion debt restructuring programme and has been handed $8.71 billion bt the government and written off Dhs 78.6 billion of its real estate assets due to the emirates property crisis. Nakheel followed the ambitious Palm Jumeirah project with other projects such as other man made palm shaped islands in Deira and Jebel Ali, including the World. These projects left Nakheel exposed during the global financial crisis. But the company is expected to post profits by the end of 2011. The Arab spring has confirmed Dubai as a safe haven for tourists and investors alike. This is because Dubai has benefited from the Arab spring and has seen the rise in tourism and visitors. The Hotel and retail markets have benefited extremely from the Arab spring. But as a result of the sovereign debt crisis in Europe, the outlook here in the UAE has been one of caution. It is no longer about new product launches it is about existing projects. There are very few end users at Cityscape; it is now more an event for B2B contractors and suppliers. There has been a transition and it is more realistic with the overall market becoming a lot quieter because sales activities and the projects have slowed with people reassessing process making it all much more competitive.
The retail sector is growing because tourism is such a major part of the retail sector. The villa sector is starting to improve and the residential sector is starting to improve too. Apartment rentals are still declining, but there will be growth in the residential sector rents in 2012. However, the big cloud hanging over the market is the Eurozone and the US Recovery as Dubai is very closely linked. Recovery is expected to continue especially with the deal made by the Eurozone on the Greek debt crisis. This is seen as having a positive impact and a good effect on the UAE economic future. The Office market is feeling the brunt of the economic crisis and is the worst performer of all the markets. The Jones Lang LaSalle report points out key drivers for the Dubai real estate market stemming from the increase in passenger traffic to Dubai international Airport, increasing by 15 percent in 2010 and continuing to increase in 2011, and hotel occupancy rates at 78 percent as of July 2011, up on the 60 percent as of July 2009

Thursday 10 November 2011

World Economic Forum: Global business and government experts met in Abu Dhabi to address rapid globalisation and rising sovereign debt

The UAE participated in the 2011 G20 summit in Cannes and it also hosted IRENA, the global clean energy body. This shows and indicates that the UAE is increasingly becoming a global citizen in economic affairs around the world. According to leading political figures at the third World Economic Forum Summit in Abu Dhabi last month, this is a good indication of where the UAE is headed. Over 800 leading experts in academia, business and government convened in the UAE capital to discuss new models for the world’s most pressing challenges, including public debt, climate change and food security.
The continuing uncertain global economic outlook could drive a wedge between international interests if left unchecked. Unstable financial markets combined with rapid globalization and technology uptake are all new factors stoking the need for urgent global conversations. The rise in global wealth has lead to a richer world for many, but many millions are poorer than ever. There is a global inequality. We need to rethink our global competitiveness strategy because we need to address the quality of economic growth. Velocity and country interconnectivity have become so complex at the tipping point that the whole system may collapse. We need new models to survive. The great recession has blinded us to the great revolution.
In addition to increased connectivity across countries and continents, globalization has been paralleled by a shift in power towards the East, as China continues on its incredible growth trajectory and the US buckles under debt pressure and stagnant jobs data. In the last century, global production and consumption was heavily weighted to the west, but recent years have seen a dramatic shift as the BRICS consume and produce more global resources that ever before. Only 40 percent of the worlds production output is in the West and only 43 percent of investment goes to the West. The world is changing very fast. Producers and consumers must work together at this historical juncture.
The prolonged indecision on Europe’s debt woes has also set the stage for mistrust and a need for increased global co-operation. Europe is at the epicenter of today’s crisis. It has fiscal, banking and growth problems and the Euro will not survive. The European Central Bank will have to work to find a solution. What happens in one continent affects another. In a recent WEF poll of 1500 CEOs and academics, less than 10 percent of respondents expressed confidence in the state of global governance over the next 12 months. The world urgently needs to rebuild trust in leaders, government systems and among countries if the international community is to shape new models to solve global challenges

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Business opportunities and the financial services industry in the GCC region

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region brings together the oil-rich states of Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The GCC economies have been growing rapidly on the back of rising energy prices and economic diversification that includes some $700 billion worth of development projects either under way or in the pipeline. The potential for international financial services groups is vast, in areas ranging from project finance to fast-expanding mortgage, consumer finance and private banking markets. Rapid economic growth and commercial diversification within the GCC region offer valuable opportunities for international financial services groups. GCC markets are increasingly being opened up to foreign investment and ownership. With $700 billion worth of developments either under way or in the pipeline, the GCC is now the world’s largest project finance market. The investment spans leisure, residential, infrastructure and industrial developments as the GCC seeks to forge a stronger and more diversified economic future. The real estate boom in Dubai and other emirates of the UAE is being increasingly mirrored across the GCC region. This includes Saudi Arabia, where the scale of new and planned developments is expected to overtake Dubai in the next five years. While some naturally question whether the boom is sustainable, demand continues to outstrip supply in most real estate sectors for now. Expatriates in most GCC countries can now own property, which is helping to open up a new mass market in mortgages. Owning property can also provide the right of abode and, from this, the attraction of low taxation and the right to set up businesses in the country of residence. Consumer finance is expanding as a relatively young and fast-growing population increasingly embraces consumerism. Key growth sectors include credit cards and vehicle financing. Islamic financial services are growing faster than the sector as a whole.
International groups are seeking to extend the range and sophistication of Sharia-compliant products and services into areas such as project finance and alternative investment funds. Recent milestones include the $3.5 billion sukuk (Islamic bond) issue in November 2006 by the Nakheel Group, the developers of Dubai’s Palm Islands and other landmark projects. This was the most valuable sukuk issue ever. The population of the GCC has accumulated $1.5 trillion in personal wealth. Clients increasingly prefer wealth and asset management services provided locally rather than offshore, which is leading to strong growth in these sectors. Dubai, an emirate of the federal UAE, has been hailed as an excellent example of economic diversification by the World Bank and has become a model for development in other parts of the GCC region. As such, Dubai highlights the opportunities this diversification and development could open up for the international financial services industry. Oil and gas represent only 6% of Dubai’s GDP and are due to run out in ten years. The emirate has therefore sought to become a leading regional and global service and trading centre – 1.5 billion people are within two hours’ flying time of Dubai. The first key opportunity for financial services groups lies in project finance. The International Monetary Fund estimates that there are some $700 billion worth of developments underway or in the pipeline in the GCC, making it the world’s largest project finance market. The transformation of Dubai’s waterfront exemplifies the ambition of this construction boom. It includes the near doubling of capacity at the Jebel Ali container port as the emirate seeks to develop shipping facilities comparable to Singapore’s. Other high-profile projects include the world’s tallest building and a series of man-made ‘Palm Islands’, one of which will be larger than Manhattan. Planned projects such as Qatar’s Lusail Marina and Kuwait’s Silk Island suggest that other GCC states are keen to emulate the Palm Island blueprint. Projects like the Palm Islands are providing thousands of new homes at a time when expatriates, who make up a majority of the population of the UAE, can now own property. Other GCC states have followed suit. This is leading to the emergence of a valuable new mass market in mortgages. As the liberalization of property ownership spreads across the GCC, the potential customers not only include the many millions of people from Asia and other parts of the Middle East who have come to work in the GCC, but also the increasing numbers of people from around the world who are choosing to take up residence in the region. Owning property can provide the right of abode and, from this, the attraction of low taxation and the right to set up businesses locally.
Retail Banking: The retail banking sector has expanded rapidly over the past five years and continues to gather momentum for expansion. The main focus of growth has been the higher end of the market – estimates show that customers with financial assets of more than $25,000 contribute more than two-thirds of retail banking profits. The mortgage market, which had until recently been relatively under-developed on account of restrictive property ownership laws, is now showing considerable potential as these restrictions are gradually relaxed.
Islamic Banking: Islamic banking is expanding faster than its mainstream counterpart. For example, the cumulative annual growth rate (CAGR) for deposits in Saudi Islamic banks was 17.4% between 2002 and 2005, compared to 12.9% for the kingdom’s banking sector as a whole. Growth comes from both new customers and those switching to Sharia-compliant products and services. Leading players in the GCC include Al Rajhi, the Kuwait Finance House and the Dubai Islamic Bank. 2005 and 2006 saw a wave of dedicated start-ups including the Al Rayan Bank in Qatar, which is already one of the largest Islamic banks in the world with capital of more than $2 billion. In addition, many local and international banks have or are in the process of introducing Islamic options for their customers. Banks offering dual conventional and Islamic products include HSBC and Citigroup. However, there are particular challenges in this market, including the different interpretations of Sharia compliance. Some customers may also wish to use a pure Islamic bank in preference to a ‘hybrid’ institution that also offers conventional products
Corporate Banking: Demand for corporate finance services in the GCC has grown significantly in the last two years and is expected to increase further in the future. Developments in the region are creating ever-greater demand for project finance. This demand could create openings for foreign institutions able to offer competitive financing. It is also likely to spur the continued growth in Islamic finance as exemplified by the Nakheel sukuk. Sukuks are Sharia-compliant asset-backed trust certificates. The Nakheel sukuk issue, which was underwritten by Barclays Capital and the Dubai Islamic Bank, was more than two-times oversubscribed.15 European investors acquired 40% of the issue, subscribers from the Middle East took 38% and the remaining 22% went to Asia and the US. Developments in the region are also increasing the number of business clients.
Private Banking and Asset Management: A GCC population of just 38 million has accumulated some $1.5 trillion in private wealth. In the UAE, for example, one in 80 of the population is a dollar millionaire. The high-net-worth individuals include both Arabs and expatriates. Around two-thirds of people with investment assets of more than $400,000 in the UAE are non-resident Indians, for example. This concentration of wealth is leading to intense competition among both regional and international corporations. Rothschild’s17 is one of the latest entrants, joining the private banking arms of such leading names as Citigroup and Deutsche Bank
Insurance: Insurance penetration is extremely low in the GCC by international standards. Growth has now picked up in the retail insurance market, albeit from a low start. Life insurance premiums are in particular likely to follow the generally upward trend in affluence. Recent years have also seen acceleration in demand for Takaful Sharia-compliant insurance services. Nevertheless, the small populations of these countries mean that the primary source of insurance business and focus of near-term market growth will continue to be the corporate sector

How to Fund a StartUp

A typical start up goes through several rounds of funding. Each round requires that you raise enough money to get into the next round of funding. Few startups get the funding process right. Some startups are overfunded, while others are underfunded. It is obviously in the best interest of founders to understand the mechanism of funding and the thought processes that investors go through before they decide to fund a start up business.
Sources of startup funding:
a) Family and Friends
Family and Friends are the sources of funding for most startup businesses. Most founders graduate from university, borrow money from their parents and friends, lets assume $10,000 and they start a business which with the help of the borrowed funds makes it past the 12 month mark. There are advantages and disadvantages to borrowing money from friends and family. An advantage worth mentioning is that friends and family are easy to find because you already know them, therefore making it easier to borrow money for funding. However, there are disadvantages too. Firstly, your friends and family may not be as connected as angel investors might be. Secondly, you will be mixing your business life with your personal life, and thirdly, friends and family may not be accredited investors either.
The SEC defines an accredited investor as someone with over $1,000,000 in liquid assets or an income of over $200,000 a year.
b) Consulting
Another way to fund a startup is to get a job. The best sort of job is a consulting project in which you can build whatever software you wanted to sell as a startup. Then you can gradually transform yourself from a consulting company into a product company, and have your clients pay your development expenses.
This is a good plan for someone with kids, because it takes most of the risk out of starting a startup. There never has to be a time when you have no revenues. Risk and reward are usually proportionate, however: you should expect a plan that cuts the risk of starting a startup also to cut the average return. In this case, you trade decreased financial risk for increased risk that your company won't succeed as a startup.
c) Angel Investors
Angels are individuals who are rich. The word applies to individual investors generally. When dealing with angel investors, sometimes its worth noting that contacts can be more important than the money itself. You can do whatever you want with money from consulting or friends and family. With angels we're now talking about venture funding proper, so it's time to introduce the concept of exit strategy. Investors will only consider companies that have an exit strategy and the reason for this that they expect the founders to sell the company or go public so that they can get their money back along with some returns.
This is not as selfish as it sounds. There are few large, private technology companies. Those that don't fail all seem to get bought or go public. The reason is that employees are investors too—of their time—and they want just as much to be able to cash out. If your competitors offer employees stock options that might make them rich, while you make it clear you plan to stay private, your competitors will get the best people. So the principle of an "exit" is not just something forced on startups by investors, but part of what it means to be a startup.
Another important concept that should be noted is valuation! When a person pays money for the shares of a company, it gives the company a certain monetary value. For example, if someone pays $30,000 for a 20% share of a company, it means that that company is in theory worth $600,000.
d) Seed Funding Firms
Seed firms are like angels in that they invest relatively small amounts at early stages, but like VCs in that they're companies that do it as a business, rather than individuals making occasional investments on the side. According to the National Association of Business Incubators, there are about 800 incubators in the US. What is an incubator? Because seed firms are companies rather than individual people, reaching them is easier than reaching angels. Just go to their web site and send them an email. The importance of personal introductions varies, but is less than with angels or VCs. The fact that seed firms are companies also means the investment process is more standardized. (This is generally true with angel groups too.) Seed firms will probably have set deal terms they use for every startup they fund. The fact that the deal terms are standard doesn't mean they're favorable to you, but if other startups have signed the same agreements and things went well for them, it's a sign the terms are reasonable. Seed firms differ from angels and VCs in that they invest exclusively in the earliest phases—often when the company is still just an idea. Angels and even VC firms occasionally do this, but they also invest at later stages.
The problems are different in the early stages. For example, in the first couple months a startup may completely redefine their idea. So seed investors usually care less about the idea than the people. This is true of all venture funding, but especially so in the seed stage.
Like VCs, one of the advantages of seed firms is the advice they offer. But because seed firms operate in an earlier phase, they need to offer different kinds of advice. For example, a seed firm should be able to give advice about how to approach VCs, which VCs obviously don't need to do; whereas VCs should be able to give advice about how to hire an "executive team," which is not an issue in the seed stage
e) Venture Capital Funds
Venture capitalists invest other peoples money and they invest large sums of it. The word "venture capitalist" is sometimes used loosely for any venture investor, but there is a sharp difference between VCs and other investors: VC firms are organized as funds, much like hedge funds or mutual funds. The fund managers, who are called "general partners," get about 2% of the fund annually as a management fee, plus about 20% of the fund's gains. There is a very sharp dropoff in performance among VC firms, because in the VC business both success and failure are self-perpetuating. When an investment scores spectacularly, as Google did for Kleiner and Sequoia, it generates a lot of good publicity for the VCs. And many founders prefer to take money from successful VC firms, because of the legitimacy it confers. Hence a vicious (for the losers) cycle: VC firms that have been doing badly will only get the deals the bigger fish have rejected, causing them to continue to do badly. In a sense, the lower-tier VC firms are a bargain for founders. They may not be quite as smart or as well connected as the big-name firms, but they are much hungrier for deals. This means you should be able to get better terms from them.
Better how? The most obvious is valuation: they'll take less of your company. But as well as money, there's power. I think founders will increasingly be able to stay on as CEO, and on terms that will make it fairly hard to fire them later
Because VCs invest large amounts, the money comes with more restrictions. Most only come into effect if the company gets into trouble. For example, VCs generally write it into the deal that in any sale, they get their investment back first. So if the company gets sold at a low price, the founders could get nothing. Some VCs now require that in any sale they get 4x their investment back before the common stock holders (that is, you) get anything, but this is an abuse that should be resisted

Career Hotspots in Finance in the UAE

Focus on the Dubai International Financial Centre DIFC
Banks and Banking: Attracted to the region by its growing wealth, cross-boarder trade and investment activity, M&A activity and ongoing restructuring by state owned enterprises, corporations and private entities, a large number of banks and brokerages have established a presence in DIFC. From DIFC, investment banks are able to service the region's growing financing needs and support growing sophistication of businesses operating in and from around the region. Recent years have seen the expansion of the corporate sector with more sophisticated financing requirements. Regional debt capital markets are also picking up as governments and corporates across the region diversify their funding bases they will need to resort more and more to capital markets to tap into private financing.
Insurance: DIFC endeavors to promote the development of a thriving regional insurance market. Global and regional insurers, reinsurers and brokers are attracted to set up in the centre due to its world-class infrastructure, legislation and regulation. In many cases, international players tie up with regional firms to establish a new entity to cater to the region’s demand for insurance and reinsurance services. With the growing presence of regional and international players, the insurance penetration in the market has grown, outpacing that of industrialized countries.
Wealth Management: The region benefits from a vast pool of wealth and a growing appetite for specialist investment products. There is also an increasing demand from high net worth individuals for tailor made solutions which meet their specific and individual wealth management requirements. Our legislative and regulatory regime has created a highly supportive and secure environment for the growth of the funds industry. In compliance with IOSCO Principles, the Funds Regime allows for the domiciliation, management and distribution of funds from DIFC.
The vast scope for investing, managing and administering this enormous wealth has encouraged many of the world’s biggest asset managers, hedge funds and private equity firms to set up within DIFC and take advantage of the ability to:
• Manufacture and distribute tailor-made mandates and specialist investment products
• Manage the world’s largest concentration of Islamic wealth  
• Offer advanced asset management products for institutional investors including the region’s large sovereign wealth funds
• Access investment opportunities across the region and gaining exposure to rapidly growing emerging markets 
• Tap into the regions vast pool of wealth for fund raising and seed capital
Capital Markets: Traditionally, companies, governments and financial institutions have looked to the international capital markets to meet their financing needs. However, with the advent of the regional stock markets, there has been an increasing flow of IPOs and listings on the regional exchanges. At the same time, regional investors have required liquid and efficient markets to absorb the rapidly growing stock of financial assets accumulating in pensions, life funds, collective investment schemes and other savings vehicles. DIFC is a platform for investment banks & financial intermediaries to service the capital markets of the region with:
• Underwriting
• M&A advisory
• Venture capital
• Private equity
• Private banking
• Trade finance
• Brokerage service
Professional Services: The region has witnessed a growing demand for professional service firms driven by greater sophistication in financial services requiring specialist advisory work, increased cross-jurisdictional trade and transactions, and the ongoing restructuring by state owned enterprises, corporations and private entities. Through its offering of world-class technology and associated infrastructure, a pool of multilingual highly skilled professionals, DIFC has attracted a wide range of professional service providers including:
• Legal
• Accounting and audit
• Consulting
• Compliance
• Recruitment
• Risk management
• Data and research providers

Monday 7 November 2011

Economy: How will the Euro Zone crisis affect the Gulf - can the gulf avoid a Greek tragedy?

The debt crisis in the Eurozone, centered on Greece’s inability to service its liabilities of around $500 billion, is moving at a rapid pace which –given its potential impact on the global economy is no surprise and no bad thing. France and Germany closed a deal that saw the Eurozones rescue fund, the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), boosted to more than $2.5 Trillion, the banking system recapitalized and further hair cuts by the Greek bondholders.
So what does this mean for the nations in the Arabian Gulf? After the financial meltdown of 2008/9, which is still fresh in the minds of most Dubai property owners, who saw the value of their homes more than halve in barely a year? The UAE and Kuwait both witnessed negative Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth in 2009 of 1.4% and 2.2% respectively, while the worlds largest oil producer, Saudi Arabia, almost flat-lined as its economy grew at 0.6 percent, according to the BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research.
Most regional financial experts don’t believe that a Greek default on its debt would have any immediate effect on the Gulf region. This is because they don’t believe that the Gulf region has any significant exposure to the any potential Greek default. However, if the Greek debt crisis were to impact the Gulf region, it would be through an increase in risk aversion by international investors and a potential reduction in lending to the region by international banks.
In 2008, Saudi Arabia enjoyed foreign direct investment of $39.4 billion but in 2012 the figure is projected to be barely a quarter of this at $10 billion, according to HSBC Global Research in its Middle East Economics Quarterly. Hydrocarbon sales are an intrinsic source of revenue for the Gulf states and the possibility of a global recession which usually results in the drop in demand for oil and thus, its price, is another major worry for the Gulf region. In January 2008, the oil price exceeded $145 a barrel but by February 2009 it was about $35 a barrel. A number of Gulf nations such as Qatar, Saudi Arabia are trying to establish strategic plans to diversify their economies. There is nothing inevitable about the world falling into a global recession. It is far more likely that we are in for a period of low growth in the major global economies.
In the event of a recession, oil prices will fall, but the impact on the government spending depends on how far they fall and how long they stay low. It is important that governments keep on track with their commitments and not cut back on projects. Governments should increase projects in the face of global downturns especially as the region faces off to a global slowdown, the government should step in to help the economy be increasing spending .if the world falls into negative growth, the eyes of the world will turn to Dubai which at the moment carries a staggering debt burden of over $100 billion. However, Dubai is in a better position to absorb economic downturns.
The country that will suffer the most from an economic recession is inevitably going to be Bahrain. Bahrain is one of the main hotspots for political unrest in the Arab Spring and has seen its hospitality sector decline 17 per cent in the first six months of the year and its GDP growth was 0.8 percent in Q2 2011, according to HSBC Global Research. Bahrain’s full year growth is forecasted to be less than a third of the 4.5 percent it managed in 2010. The Gulf States are expected to continue their ties with China and India and maybe accelerate them as the crisis in the G7 countries takes hold. However, bear in mind that China and India face their own problem

Thursday 3 November 2011

Fools Gold

Usually, when there is a gold strike in any part of the world, people would travel and flock to that area like moths to a flame. People flocked because they thought that they could change their fortunes or trade their current hardships for a life of luxury. However, it was unfortunate to find that it was only the finders who were the keepers of the treasures. In other words, it was usually those who were first on the spot, who were the ones that benefited from the gold strike, leaving the rest to pick up scraps and pieces of left over’s.  There were two kinds of people that made money: the ones who sold products and services to the gold diggers and the ones who sold a story. The second type of person was the one who sold hopes and fantasies to those who were looking for them. One of such stories was that pyrite was actually gold. If you don’t know what pyrite is, then here are some facts! Pyrite is a mineral that looks deceptively like gold in colour but is usually flatter and sharper in construction than the precious metal which is rounder and softer in shape. Pyrite is also duller than gold. Unfortunately, many people are blinded by greed and are unable to see the difference between the two. This is why pyrite is commonly referred to as fool’s gold. Over the past four years, the price of gold has nearly quadrupled as a result of hoarding and increases in prices. Prior to 2007, it is easy to note that gold only doubled its price within six years, again prior to 2007. So why has the price of gold skyrocketed the way that it has? The price of gold skyrocketed for two reasons; the first reason is that the two drivers of markets, fear and greed combined to fuel the rise in price of gold. What usually causes a market to move up is greed and what usually causes the market to move down is fear. In the case of gold, both these factors are in effect except that they are both moving the price of gold up. However, this doesn’t mean that the price of gold is going to keep rising! Like all bubbles, several factors will come into play to end the bubble. The problem is that we don’t know when these factors will come together to end the rise in the price of gold. The gold price hit an all time high in September of 2011 and the bubble burst as a result of profit taking. Many Financial experts have argued that gold is a safe haven in these trouble times and that investors should invest in the precious metal. Actually, food is the only safe haven but unlike food, gold doesn’t perish and you can’t eat it. They argue that fiat money is worthless. Really? Money backed by gold? The simple truth remains that there isn’t enough gold in the world to support the financial and economic and commercial activity that we are currently enjoying. Even if we took all the gold in the world and melted it into coins, we would still have to create paper money to support our transactions. These financial experts are playing on people’s fears and their greed only leads to more greed. Simply put, seeing the price of gold go up for no reason at all is usually a sign of greed. What we are witnessing is that fact that financial companies are buying and selling gold futures to each other, on a huge scale, and pocketing a commission for every trade.

The Future of GCC Private Equity

The private equity market in the Gulf region has seen a reversal of fortunes in the past few years. This was an asset class that was none existent a decade ago. It was an industry that was built upon twin bubbles in the equity and the property market, along with some of the most absurdly valued IPOs on the planet. New issues in the equity market turned into dreams of instant riches among capital market investors. The reasons for this is that the systemic risk in GCC private equity was grossly underestimated by investors who assumed that the regions equity and property bubbles would last forever. However, in 2008, investors were still allocating almost $6 billion to asset classes for six main reasons:
1. Oil prices plunged from $148 to $40 in six months, it became obvious that the gulf would face a decline in growth rates, a credit crunch and an outflow of offshore capital
2. A brutal bear market in the GCC equities gutted investor appetites for IPOs, a classic vehicle for private equity exits
3. Low caliber of regulation, disclosure and due diligence in the region became an issue in the wake of an accounting and fraud scandal in a privately equity financed listed jewellery chain.
4. Several sovereign state owned private equity funds where forced to repay debts that they owed
5. The Arab spring destroyed the case for a MENA paradigm in investing. Political risk in Egypt, translated into financial disaster for many private equity financed companies and a bear market in the Arab worlds ultimate growth market.
6. Finally, the banking systems woes in the GCC since 2008 meant acquisition debt finance has become even more expensive and many western banks have slashed credit lines in the region.
The Wall Street private equity is also gripped by a secular bear market. Blackstone, history’s most successful private equity empire lost 85% of its value after floatation in New York at the height of the credit bubble in 2007. The bear market in the GCC and emerging markets mean high priced IPOs and even trade sales are no longer possible. Funds must meanwhile finance loss-making companies in places like Egypt and cut bloated costs in countries hit by the Arab spring. Fundraising for new funds is virtually impossible and LP family offices have reneged on capital calls. The bear market in the MENA private equity will continue.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Leadership and Innovation: Charismatic and Innovative Leadership of Steve Jobs at Apple Inc

During the 2007 and 2008 Global financial crisis, Steve Paul Jobs, the now late co-founder of Apple Inc issued a statement to his employees at Apple’s International corporate headquarters in Cupertino, California. In quotes, he is remembered as saying, “We are in the worst economic environment since the Great Depression. However, we are determined to continue to make Apple the most innovative company in the world while increasing shareholder wealth. While hundreds of companies are firing employees, we have no intention of doing so. We will overcome this challenging economic environment and remain a strong innovative company. While others will decrease spending, we will increase spending on R&D and come out way ahead of our competition in the long run”
(Steve Jobs and Apple, Inc, Todd A. Finkle, Michael L. Mallin, Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies, Volume 16, Number 7, 2010.)
This article takes a look at the leadership, innovation and culture, the vision and the relationship that Steve Paul Jobs created at Apple Inc over the past decade. Apple Inc was once a failing electronics company with share prices as low as $2. But this was before Steve Jobs was invited back to Apple and reinstated as CEO of the then failing company.  Steve Jobs was a very aggressive business man and he had an intellectual and methodical approach to marketing. He had great confidence in himself, a controlling personality and an eye for detail, but even more, he was a perfectionist. It was these characteristics and traits that lead him to take Apple to the forefront of technology with cutting edge products like the IMac, the IPod, the Iphone and the Ipad. Under his charismatic leadership, he embedded a culture and created a following among employees of Apple and customers alike. This loyal following was the result of value congruence between himself and his employees. Jobs and his employees shared common values and a common vision for Apple and Jobs was able to keep this vision alive through his skill as a good communicator and his ability to motivate, support and reward his employees. He was able to guide Apple by using different styles of leadership. As a charismatic leader, Jobs was able to communicate what a product should do and look like. He was able to energize and accelerate innovation processes and the release of new products to the market.

As a result of Steve Jobs charismatic and innovative leadership, the Ipad was born and filled a technological gap in the lives of every household that we didn’t know existed.  As a strategic leader, Steve Jobs used his power and the cash reserves of Apple to innovate, and commit employees to a culture of innovation. During his leadership, Apples stock price climbed to $200 by 2007, slipped to $90 in 2008 due to the global recession, but by 2011, the stock price had climbed back up to a phenomenal $480. Under the leadership of Steve Jobs, Apple entered into an agreement with rivals Microsoft, and the result of this was an increase in sales of Apples Mac. Other strategic moves that were initiated under his leadership were the “store within a store concept” and the partnership with CompUSA. Jobs reduced costs by outsourcing the manufacturing of most hardware components. In 2007, Apple launched the Iphone with AT&T in an agreement that gains Apple 10% revenue from internet subscriptions. Steve Jobs was one of the most innovative leaders of our time and he was also one of the most charismatic. He understood the importance of Leadership, Innovation and value congruence as a CEO, and he understood the importance of sharing his vision with his employees and the rest of the world. As result, Apple and Steve Jobs, through the IPod has changed the way we listen to music, through the Iphone has changed the way we communicate, and through the Ipad has changed the way we see the rest of the world.

Innovation can be defined as a marketable invention: the act of generating an idea and transforming it into a new product, service, solution, or business model that can be sold to customers. (Leadership and Innovation: Learning from the Best, Roland Bel, 2010 Wiley Periodical, Inc) Apples former CEO was one of the people that meet this definition through the products that he created. Steve was able to excel on apparently conflicting skills of creativity and discipline. As an Innovative leader at Apple Inc, Jobs was able to accept risk, uncertainty and failures. He had great degree of passion for electronics and his products. He proactively searched for external technologies and ideas, and this can be seen in the alliances that he formed with Yahoo, Google, Microsoft, AT & T and a list of other companies. Jobs didn’t just have the courage to startup a project or develop a new product; he also had the courage to stop projects that were not productive. He had a talent for attracting innovators and guiding winning teams. As an effective innovation leader, Steve Jobs ensured that the organization secured its desired outcomes by creating win-win situations that rewarded the right behaviors and performances. (Value Congruence and charismatic Leadership in CEO- Top Manager Relationships: An Empirical Investigation, Sefa Hayibor, Bradley R. Agle, Greg J. Sears, Jeffrey A. Sonnenfeld, Andrew Ward, Springer 2011.) Apples dominance of the Tablet Pc market has been so strong that rival companies like HP have had to pull out of the Tablet PC market. The Only Company to launch a challenge to Apples Ipad and Ipad 2 in 2011 is Amazon, with its smaller sized and lighter Tablet Pc, which sells for half the price of Apples Ipad. Competition in the Tablet PC market has been so fierce that HP has had to sell over its version of the Tablet PC to its employees at $99, compared to Apples $420 for the Ipad. Sadly, Steve Paul Jobs passed away in October 2011 at the age of 56 after battling pancreatic cancer for over 7 years. The Implications of his work and now his death and departure from apple are immense. However, he has instilled a culture of charisma and innovation in his employees and has brought the world together through the products that he created with so much passion.

Top 7 Rules of Networking

Have a solid foundation:
We all know the importance of first Impressions when meeting with someone for the first time. It is important to ensure that your attitude, your attire and your overall appearance are perfect for the occasion. If you are at a networking event, then it is important to pay close attention to the people who have attended the event from different industries. Make sure to join a group of people who are by themselves or a group of two or three people who are having a discussion. Introduce yourself polite at an opportunity and maintain eye contact while shaking their hands. It is important to practice this before the actual event with a friend of yours so that you can master the art of introduction. If introducing yourself online, remember to follow in-person social etiquette rules. If someone referred you to the person, for example, put the mutual contact's name in the subject line of the e-mail, so there's an immediate level of recognition. Email is a cold medium. If you can warm it up with something personal, do so.

2. Don’t Confuse people with your pitch:
Don’t start a conversation by telling everyone your entire work history. No one needs to hear that. The entire introduction of yourself and what it is that you do shouldn’t take more than 30 to 60 seconds. If you go into too much detail about yourself and your skills as a chemical engineer, a management consultant might just switch because he will find it too much to take in a few minutes. When you are networking with people who don’t work in your field, always try to keep the introductions short and straight to the point. You can start with what you want to do, your goals and objectives and you can share what might be relevant in your career at the point in time. But that should be it.
3. Don’t Tell a Sob Story:
No matter how tough your life has been and how difficult your situations have been, you need to paint a positive picture of yourself and your career to your listeners when connecting. This is so that you don’t demotivate them and cause them to switch off. Potential employers and connections are not going to bring on board a person who they perceive as being down in the dumps, rather, they want a person who they think is excited about the positions, a person who has a win-win, can do all attitude, a person who is energetic and so forth. That is the type of person that connections want to connect with and that is the type of person you should project yourself to be. Don’t tell stories of difficult financial times or hardships, rather, tell stories of financial success and challenges in which you learnt more about yourself and your career.
4. Spend more time listening than talking:
In this case the old adage is true, “People were given two ears and one mouth, and you should use them proportionately”. Just like in the dating world you should spend more time listening to the person in front of you than talking about yourself. This allows you to give the impression that you are truly interested in what they have to say. When you have listened and understood the person, you can then respond in a manner that is suitable to the occasion.

5. Avoid Being Socially Inept:
There is a fine line between being sociable, personable and awkward. You don’t want to be the latter. Steer clear of talking about things that would make people uncomfortable. For example don’t say that you were out of work for six months because you were laid off and don’t tell your connection that you recently had a brain surgery and have been unable to work ever since. You should maintain some normal social constructs, such as where you direct your eyes and how closely you stand to people. Looking from someone's eyes to the middle of their forehead is professional, versus a more social gaze of eyes-to-mouth. You should also try to keep an arm's length away from anyone you're talking to.
6. Don’t Overstay your welcome:
Taking up too much of some ones time is almost as bad as ignoring them entirely. It's imperative that you understand when your time is up. You win in the social world if you 'release people first,' so if you see a slow crossing of the arms, an increase in the amount of time they're looking over your shoulder, or a sudden obsession with the word 'anyway,' they are giving you not-so-subtle hints that they'd like to move on. Have a few "graceful exits" ready, Examples: "It was a pleasure meeting you! There are a couple of other people here who I said I'd get it touch with while I'm here," or "Is there anyone here I can introduce you to?" If you're still lost, there's always the standby "I'm going to run to grab another drink.
7. Hand out your Business Card and Follow Up:
It is not ok to give someone your resume and asking them to connect you with a job or with someone else. You must have a working relationship with a person before you can ask them to do anything for you. Many people overlook this professional courtesy and ask brand new contacts who they have just met to connect them with other people. Instead, go for the business card exchange. Make sure that when you offer yours, you specifically and politely request theirs. Don't assume they'll solicit it on their own. Once you're a bit of a distance from them, take a minute to jot down a few notes about the person you just met on a sheet of paper – anything personal they may have mentioned, a news item you discussed, or a business idea you talked about. You can use that to politely jog their memory in a follow-up note. Perhaps the "Cardinal Rule" of networking is that once you've planted the seeds of a new relationship, you must follow up to maintain it. Whether it's a business referral, job lead, or a professional connection, get in touch – within 24 hours – to say you enjoyed meeting them

Monday 11 July 2011

Negotiating with people who use child suicide bombers

Do you think anyone should be negotiating with people who use children suicide bombers? Recently, President Obama opened dialogue with the Taliban who in the past have used child suicide bombers. Only recently in Afghanistan, an eight year old girl was drugged and kidnapped in a car and strapped with an explosive belt with the intention of making her a suicide bomber. But the girl had a lucky escape when the she was dropped off. She started screaming on the streets and was arrested by the police. This is the Taliban at its most monstrous. So, should anyone be negotiating with them? The Taliban is at war with the government of Afghanistan and the Taliban has got the international community in a deadlock over the issue of peace in Afghanistan. The American government is pulling out its troops from the streets of Afghanistan at a time that the Taliban forces are regrouping. It cost America billions of dollars to keep the peace in Afghanistan, and with the continuous loss of military life due to suicide bombers, the American government has decided to bring its troops home.

Firstly, there is the issue of ethical responsibility. It is ethically wrong and unbelievable that children as young as eight are being used to fight American soldiers. It is impossible to communicate and carry out diplomatic talks with people of this nature.  Dialogue in Afghanistan should have been carried out as early as 2001, if it were ever to be done.  But how would dialogue work if there are children who are being strapped with explosives and being sent to police check points. The solutions obviously lie with the government of Afghanistan. The government has to step in to stop the practice of using children to blow up police stations. The Taliban targets children and young boys from impoverished homes by making promises of money, education, jobs and food, if they become recruits in the insurgence against the international community. In Pakistan, there are training camps where young boys and recruits from Afghanistan are trained to become suicide bombers. In a recent event, a young child in Afghanistan, a boy, of about 6 years old was strapped with explosives and given instructions on what to do when he got to the American Army camp. The boy walked all the way to the camp and on his way forgot what the instructions were. When the American army got to him, they asked him what he was doing at the camp. The boy couldn’t explain himself and then lifted up his shirt to reveal the explosives. He said he had forgotten what he was supposed to do with the explosives. Many children are lured to camps in Pakistan by the Taliban with promises of money. When they get to the camps they are then brain washed and forced into becoming suicide bombers. These children, some of which have no parents, are being deprived of an education and a home. (
The Taliban has denied allegations that it recruits and uses children in suicide attacks. However, there is substantial evidence that this is not the case.

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